Its crazy how your life can come crashing down in a blink of an eye. I remember when mom got sick and we found out we were not going to have much time left with her. I remember how I felt like my whole life was caving in. That was almost 10 years ago and now I am watching the same thing happen to a friend but a totaly different thing. Love can be a very powerful thing. When your young the only love you know is the love of your parents and your siblings (sometimes your siblings) and as you grow up you find the love of the person you want to spend your life with. But when the person pretty much tells you to go to hell, its just like when you would get in trouble with your parents and they would yell at you and you would feel like they did not love you . Its amazing how delectate your heart is. In todays world where you need to be tuffer than nails to make it but your heart is never that tuff. I look at this friend of mine who claims to be "cold hearted" and I see the pain and the hurt hes feeling from his world crashing down on him and know hes not as cold hearted as he has made him self out to be. I hope that what he is going though will be quick so he can move on in his life and not have to look back at it.
For the rest of the weekend I went and took some photos at st. Pauls church the church that the fresco is at. It has the really old cemetary around the church and i thought about it and what tells a story better than the one that is told at church cemtary.

I think i told the story of more than one thing in these pics. I still have to do my posed shots so im hopeing to do them tomorrow durring class then take them to Wal-greens tomorrow durring lunch to get them developed.
I know I kinda swore i would not write about wow in my blog but it part of me so im going to write about it last night we went to MC (molten core for you non-wowers) and downed some bosses and i finally got my head piece i have been wanting so now im starting to look like my picture im useing for my illiustartion class.
But i must go put together my cube for Chad and home it does not look like crap when i get it together.
I bid you good day
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