Yesterday Amber, Lisa, Danile, Adam, Kim, Chad, and Brian went to Monte del rays for lunch. Needless to say Amber and her loving husband are not getting along so great so it was Strawberry Darquers for all lol. Ameber, Lisa and I all went back to class felling pretty good.
Math was ok as normal. There is a fellow in my class that I really feel bad for. He understands some stuff but he knows it his way and the math labs only let him do it the way the book teachs it so he gets so confussed. I sat next to him yesterday and he is haveing a hard time understanding fractions like on our pratice test there was 3 boxs dived in to 4ths and there was 2 1/4 shaded in and he did not understand how the teacher got the 4 so I tried to help him but I think all hope is lost he really wants to drop the class but cant.
When I came home yesterday the first time Kevin was not home yet so I sat on the couch and relaxed for a while. When he got home he informed me his car stunk and it was my fault. On Sunday when we came home from moms wedding it was nice and we were fighting, like most couples do, and I was mad and just came in the house with out rolling any of his windows up. Well it rained on Monday and Sunday night. The inside of his car was drenched. We cleaned the car out and went to Wal-mart to get a few things I need. Along the way I took my photos in to get developed. I was pretty suprized they turned out fairly good. I really like four of them

I really like the last one its my fav. More news on the photo home front I finally got me a camera for the class. After being out bid or going out of my price range on about 12 cameras I won a Cannon AE-1 Program Camera last night for 48.20 with shiping. I fought with my self for about 8 mins (I only know this cause thats all that was left on the bid when I found it) So with 55 sec left on the bid i droped a $45 dollar bid on it and bam 2 sec left for some one to out bid me. I won !!! No more ebay hate from me hehe.
But I must now go to work and then class.
Cool pics.
Yes...lovely photos Loni! Glad you are blogging! I'll add you to my 'Noted Blogs' section!
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