Ok so you all know im a slacker anyway. I have slacked off on writing cause im to boged down to blog. Well here it is the weekend and have a whole week worth of stuff lol.
Well the week was stressed as normal i seem to not be able to keep up on anything at all. Things are better now starting to slow down for a day or two.
Monday is going to be hell I need to start on newspaper and getting things rolling there well i have to sit in chads class and baby sit lol. I think i might stay late and get it on a good roll. Though chickens tips is going come home and change it all lol.
Friday I went to boone with amber. I was really happy for her the problem is not her camera its the stupid people in Wilkes. The people at Boone Drug rock and he was really nice. I spent money on halloween stuff to put up and some stuff for kevin. Dinner was good.
Today was long I went to lunch with the hubby and the whole famdamnily, then to staples. Seen Goatee man and talked to him for a few. I was wondering around and was looking at the desks i have been looking for a new one with more space and room to put my stuff and what have you well i found the desk i want on clearnce for $54 bucks. WOOT SCORE!!! so now miss lily is going to help me get it tomorrow. then went to wally world and spent money and lost everyone. I sat our side for like 30 mins waiting and looking for kevin. Then went to Arrons we are looking to get a 52' tv might get it might not i dont know i still thinking about hes rdy to get it lol.
Tomorrow is going to be a run around get the desk then up the mt see family and take pics and come home get them devloped and then hope i have what i need and they are not all crap.
But i think i will go get some sleep now before i pass out
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wild Weekends
Dang its monday again. You just get started on a weekend and then bam its over.
Friday night was great thank you all for coming over I had a great time. Lily, Shvic (for a short moment), Shat, Mrs Amber and Mr Amber and baby amber, and Chicken tips. The other kevin was here for a little while also but he hung out with kevin most of the time. We picked at chicken tips for a while watched many many mel brooks films, and had some food. I think everyone had a great time and I cant wait to do it again.
Saturday was my same old same old. Played WoW all day and sat around doing nothing.
Sunday I got the tab cover done! woot! Now chicken tips just has to get his boss to sign off on it and then i get to make a ton of ads for it. Also finished the pictograms for Prof. Tater I like them but who knows they may suck super bad or they may be the best thing since sliced bread lol. I have been thinking about Chicken tips class project but i have came short on ideas so I am going to have to though something together some time today for his class today.
I have to go be Prof. Taters slave this morning, no cards for me, so i must take a shower and get rdy to head over there i was going to be there at 8:30 but i just could not get my butt out of bed. oh well whats the worst he could say to me hehe just kidding Prof. Tater
Friday night was great thank you all for coming over I had a great time. Lily, Shvic (for a short moment), Shat, Mrs Amber and Mr Amber and baby amber, and Chicken tips. The other kevin was here for a little while also but he hung out with kevin most of the time. We picked at chicken tips for a while watched many many mel brooks films, and had some food. I think everyone had a great time and I cant wait to do it again.
Saturday was my same old same old. Played WoW all day and sat around doing nothing.
Sunday I got the tab cover done! woot! Now chicken tips just has to get his boss to sign off on it and then i get to make a ton of ads for it. Also finished the pictograms for Prof. Tater I like them but who knows they may suck super bad or they may be the best thing since sliced bread lol. I have been thinking about Chicken tips class project but i have came short on ideas so I am going to have to though something together some time today for his class today.
I have to go be Prof. Taters slave this morning, no cards for me, so i must take a shower and get rdy to head over there i was going to be there at 8:30 but i just could not get my butt out of bed. oh well whats the worst he could say to me hehe just kidding Prof. Tater
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
the love of crazy people
WOW what a wild day. Lily was all about some rejection today. Chuckle boy was shot down for the second time. Some day he will relize that Lily is not for him. Goatee man made the whole moment even better with dont worry man she did it to me too!! Hes always coming up with great come backs or something great to say. I wish i was that witty sometimes. Our whole click is becoming a big group thats for sure. I know all of can almost fit in the van. I also know that one of the teachers calls us Brians groupies. My lunchs will never be the same with out all of them. I dont know what im doing next year with out them =(
Mrs. Amber came late today and I have decided she is one of those friends that if i dont talk to her my day is not compleate. I have noticed each or our group has one person they are closer too than any of the others. Im going to take a guess here just at the interaction between people whos closer to who. Shmee is a floater (in a good way not in the way that you have a left over turd in the crapper) Shmee conects to everone about the same. Shvic and Lily seem pretty close and so did Lily and Shat but I think that has changed over the last little while but i could be wrong (im crappy at this so bear with me) then me and Mrs. Amber and Goatee man and Adammanutis..... or how ever you spell it. Thats how i see our break down we all cant live with out each other but if we dont talk to atleast the one person in the group we are the closest too our day is not compleat. And none of us can live with out Shmee.
Ok that was long winded nothingness lol
My evening end with Chuckle kid and Preacher boy. Chuckles just showed up here i think he was driving around looking for Preacher boy and seen him here and thats why he showed up. I hid after he got here and talked on the phone with the other kevin. They all have just left so all is calm on the western front now lol.
But i think i will go get some sleep and remind myself the cube is behind me now YES!!!!!
Mrs. Amber came late today and I have decided she is one of those friends that if i dont talk to her my day is not compleate. I have noticed each or our group has one person they are closer too than any of the others. Im going to take a guess here just at the interaction between people whos closer to who. Shmee is a floater (in a good way not in the way that you have a left over turd in the crapper) Shmee conects to everone about the same. Shvic and Lily seem pretty close and so did Lily and Shat but I think that has changed over the last little while but i could be wrong (im crappy at this so bear with me) then me and Mrs. Amber and Goatee man and Adammanutis..... or how ever you spell it. Thats how i see our break down we all cant live with out each other but if we dont talk to atleast the one person in the group we are the closest too our day is not compleat. And none of us can live with out Shmee.
Ok that was long winded nothingness lol
My evening end with Chuckle kid and Preacher boy. Chuckles just showed up here i think he was driving around looking for Preacher boy and seen him here and thats why he showed up. I hid after he got here and talked on the phone with the other kevin. They all have just left so all is calm on the western front now lol.
But i think i will go get some sleep and remind myself the cube is behind me now YES!!!!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
What a weekend
Its crazy how your life can come crashing down in a blink of an eye. I remember when mom got sick and we found out we were not going to have much time left with her. I remember how I felt like my whole life was caving in. That was almost 10 years ago and now I am watching the same thing happen to a friend but a totaly different thing. Love can be a very powerful thing. When your young the only love you know is the love of your parents and your siblings (sometimes your siblings) and as you grow up you find the love of the person you want to spend your life with. But when the person pretty much tells you to go to hell, its just like when you would get in trouble with your parents and they would yell at you and you would feel like they did not love you . Its amazing how delectate your heart is. In todays world where you need to be tuffer than nails to make it but your heart is never that tuff. I look at this friend of mine who claims to be "cold hearted" and I see the pain and the hurt hes feeling from his world crashing down on him and know hes not as cold hearted as he has made him self out to be. I hope that what he is going though will be quick so he can move on in his life and not have to look back at it.
For the rest of the weekend I went and took some photos at st. Pauls church the church that the fresco is at. It has the really old cemetary around the church and i thought about it and what tells a story better than the one that is told at church cemtary.

I think i told the story of more than one thing in these pics. I still have to do my posed shots so im hopeing to do them tomorrow durring class then take them to Wal-greens tomorrow durring lunch to get them developed.
I know I kinda swore i would not write about wow in my blog but it part of me so im going to write about it last night we went to MC (molten core for you non-wowers) and downed some bosses and i finally got my head piece i have been wanting so now im starting to look like my picture im useing for my illiustartion class.
But i must go put together my cube for Chad and home it does not look like crap when i get it together.
I bid you good day
For the rest of the weekend I went and took some photos at st. Pauls church the church that the fresco is at. It has the really old cemetary around the church and i thought about it and what tells a story better than the one that is told at church cemtary.

I think i told the story of more than one thing in these pics. I still have to do my posed shots so im hopeing to do them tomorrow durring class then take them to Wal-greens tomorrow durring lunch to get them developed.
I know I kinda swore i would not write about wow in my blog but it part of me so im going to write about it last night we went to MC (molten core for you non-wowers) and downed some bosses and i finally got my head piece i have been wanting so now im starting to look like my picture im useing for my illiustartion class.
But i must go put together my cube for Chad and home it does not look like crap when i get it together.
I bid you good day
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Mermers of Friday
Yesterday was a great day. It start for me with some work that I did not work on because Brian was MIA. So I hung around his office and worked the cube and my logos till it was time for me to go to lunch.
Lunch was where all the fun began. Lesley was sweet enough to buy me some lunch cause my card was in my car way our front. David and Jeff joined out merry little group of Chris, Svick, Sarah, Lesley and myself. We learned more about David yesterday, he was going to be a preacher, which i think is really cool. We learned that Chris has a fetish for hair nets and that i cant keep my mouth shut. But the best part was the person it was about was not listening and the person that it did not mater about was listening. We laughted for along time.
Newspaper meeting went great. Mike that sits with us at lunch joined and he decided to take on alot of different articles. We have four reporters this semseter which is great. More content and more people geting intrested in the newspaper. They kinda have turned the editor in cheif over to me which scares me to death. I can lead when I want to but its been since high school since I have lead anything. I dont know what I'm going to do next year with out Amber. She is a great help. Also with newspaper the graphic designers (me and amber) are doing the flyers and mailers for fall festival. I cant wait to get started on the paper. I was thinking monday I might start pushing to get some ads from our normal people at the college. Maybe we can find some other sometime soon.
Yesterday evening, to close out my day, was great too. I came home shortly after our meeting. Kevin was still asleep, he had to get up at 6 for the first time since merlefest. So I came in really quite and got to work on my cube. I knew Chad would be at the college till late so I wanted to get the cube done and get it printed. I got over there and poor Amber had only one box left to fix. They had gone down to the room to work on it. She got it fixed saved it and Adobe froze up. Her file was corupted and she had to start all over again. Her and Chad got it fixed and we got our stuff printed at about 8. We decided to go get some dinner. Kevin was busy and told me to just bring something back to him. We spent 2 hours in pizza hut just laughing and talking. Its crazy how me and amber and chad have became such good friends. I never thought chad would talk to me again after A. i redesigned his cover, and B. we find things about him on the web that i was swore to never talk about again. Though we always make sure to go out with other people so no one can start a rumor that chads doing things with his students he should not be. I would really hate to be the reason that he got in trouble or even worse fired over cause of rumors of "inapropartet conduct"
After dinner I came home and played WOW for the frist time in a week and had me a drink and went to bed.
Its great to feel like i finally belong here. When me and kevin first moved here i knew noone and who i did know was kevins family and friends. None of my own friends. Now I feel like I'm starting to fit in really well. Hanging out with friends and spending time with husband my two favorit things in the world.
But off to get ready and go make some photos really fast.
Lunch was where all the fun began. Lesley was sweet enough to buy me some lunch cause my card was in my car way our front. David and Jeff joined out merry little group of Chris, Svick, Sarah, Lesley and myself. We learned more about David yesterday, he was going to be a preacher, which i think is really cool. We learned that Chris has a fetish for hair nets and that i cant keep my mouth shut. But the best part was the person it was about was not listening and the person that it did not mater about was listening. We laughted for along time.
Newspaper meeting went great. Mike that sits with us at lunch joined and he decided to take on alot of different articles. We have four reporters this semseter which is great. More content and more people geting intrested in the newspaper. They kinda have turned the editor in cheif over to me which scares me to death. I can lead when I want to but its been since high school since I have lead anything. I dont know what I'm going to do next year with out Amber. She is a great help. Also with newspaper the graphic designers (me and amber) are doing the flyers and mailers for fall festival. I cant wait to get started on the paper. I was thinking monday I might start pushing to get some ads from our normal people at the college. Maybe we can find some other sometime soon.
Yesterday evening, to close out my day, was great too. I came home shortly after our meeting. Kevin was still asleep, he had to get up at 6 for the first time since merlefest. So I came in really quite and got to work on my cube. I knew Chad would be at the college till late so I wanted to get the cube done and get it printed. I got over there and poor Amber had only one box left to fix. They had gone down to the room to work on it. She got it fixed saved it and Adobe froze up. Her file was corupted and she had to start all over again. Her and Chad got it fixed and we got our stuff printed at about 8. We decided to go get some dinner. Kevin was busy and told me to just bring something back to him. We spent 2 hours in pizza hut just laughing and talking. Its crazy how me and amber and chad have became such good friends. I never thought chad would talk to me again after A. i redesigned his cover, and B. we find things about him on the web that i was swore to never talk about again. Though we always make sure to go out with other people so no one can start a rumor that chads doing things with his students he should not be. I would really hate to be the reason that he got in trouble or even worse fired over cause of rumors of "inapropartet conduct"
After dinner I came home and played WOW for the frist time in a week and had me a drink and went to bed.
Its great to feel like i finally belong here. When me and kevin first moved here i knew noone and who i did know was kevins family and friends. None of my own friends. Now I feel like I'm starting to fit in really well. Hanging out with friends and spending time with husband my two favorit things in the world.
But off to get ready and go make some photos really fast.
From my cornor of the world to yours
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Rain rain go away come agian some other day
Well another day in the books. It rained all day long. From the time I woke up and its still raining. I love the rain most of the time but when all you want is the fall cool nights to sit out side on your back porch and watch the cars go by and the kids play the rain really buts a damper on it. Yes my back porch is covered by the upstairs is not so the water comes though on mine. The rain on the other had is really calming and as long as the duck pond dont flood Im ok right where I am.
I got up this morning looking foward to reciving my camera and taking some really fun photos of everone today. Well it was not here before I had to go to class and it was not here when I got home so I am hoping it will be here tomorrow. I have class early so im not sure if i will even get it till i get home tomorrow night. Oh well i might just have to make kevin and his friend kevin pose for me so i can get it done and turned in.
We took some really fun photos today in class of us wear hats and masks and that kinda stuff then we went to lunch were there was no tables or couchs so we sat on the floor and had lunch picnic style. It was a great day
But I must get some rest and get up early for school and work =)
Good night my adoring fans
I got up this morning looking foward to reciving my camera and taking some really fun photos of everone today. Well it was not here before I had to go to class and it was not here when I got home so I am hoping it will be here tomorrow. I have class early so im not sure if i will even get it till i get home tomorrow night. Oh well i might just have to make kevin and his friend kevin pose for me so i can get it done and turned in.
We took some really fun photos today in class of us wear hats and masks and that kinda stuff then we went to lunch were there was no tables or couchs so we sat on the floor and had lunch picnic style. It was a great day
But I must get some rest and get up early for school and work =)
Good night my adoring fans
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Its crazy how you can sit down and start to work on something and let all your emotions run in to it. Like today in class my day had not been going to hot and to top it off I had no ideas for what i was doing on my project. So Amber made the comment to me to go in class and let out all my emotions out on my project and not to even think about the project its self just to go at it. So I went class with grapics tablet in hand and pluged some music in and let it flow well what I have so far is really good it reminds me of the pastel drawings I did last semester I love it. Its so free flowing I even came home and worked on it some more.
Well this attudte went on in to math this evening. For the first time I understood what he was saying right off the bat. No second guessing myself. I never relized how your emotions can pour in to something. I need to sit down and do this more often. Just stop thinking about it and let what ever is in there come out idea crap and all. Even the crappiest idea can become good.
I went to Walgreens yesterday with "the order" to get Lesleys photos that their great devoloping technology tried to eat. While we were there we went though all the Halloween stuff. They had some great stuff and made me start to think about how I could decorate my house this Halloween. So I am really excited to get paid and buy some stuff to put up some lights some window clings, maybe one of those cool door knockers and bam im the house all the kids want to go to for the great candy. Though I more than likely wont have more than the neghbiorhood kids and everyone at school i know with kids. But still I love Halloween and I love to decorate stuff for holidays.
Also at Walgreens they had some really great masks the kind with the feathers and really Marti Grai-ish (is that even a word) We are going to use them tomorrow for our photos for class. Come on Wes lets hear you tell us what to do our how about you Mr. MINTON. It should be alot of fun even if my camera is not here. I just may have to have them all do it again for me.
I thought I was going to have to yell at Kevin today when I got home cause he laid out of school. Well he has got an xbox now so hes addicted to Fable. To the point that I worry im going to have to take it from him. Sunday night he stayed up all night until I got up to get ready for class on Monday which was 8:30. No biggy he did not have class to go to so when he came to bed last night I thought he was on the right track. Then Jeff came and talked to me this afternoon and said "oh im glad your here let me tell you what Kevins homework is" i thought great he laid out to play that game. Well I got home and he had cleaned just like I asked him to do yesterday. He was just watching TV waiting for me to get home so we could have some dinner. He then told me why he laid out and I was ok with it =) he was staying home incase my camera came today casue he does not trust our neghibors, and i have to say i dont blame him. But how can I be mad at that. He was doing something for me, even though I was mad but I got over it fast.
Newspaper meeting planed for this friday with hopes of geting some new members this year to report for me and amber so we dont have to do everything again. I swear we are going to have to make a sign that says WCC Cougar Cry- BY: LONI AND AMBER. That would be great. So heres to hopeing we have some hopefuls on Friday and we get the "Halloween" issue out on time. No hang ups this time cause I think I can get it all set to go to print on my own this time so Chad does not have to worry about it. Thats what we should be able to do anyway.
But I think im bloged out for the night its time to sleep and my fingers are geting sore from all this typeing. I never type this much unless I have to write a paper or something. But off to get some sleep and maybe wake up and have a better day tomorrow.
From The Little Hole In The Wall In The Kingdom of Windamere
I bid thee a good night.
Well this attudte went on in to math this evening. For the first time I understood what he was saying right off the bat. No second guessing myself. I never relized how your emotions can pour in to something. I need to sit down and do this more often. Just stop thinking about it and let what ever is in there come out idea crap and all. Even the crappiest idea can become good.
I went to Walgreens yesterday with "the order" to get Lesleys photos that their great devoloping technology tried to eat. While we were there we went though all the Halloween stuff. They had some great stuff and made me start to think about how I could decorate my house this Halloween. So I am really excited to get paid and buy some stuff to put up some lights some window clings, maybe one of those cool door knockers and bam im the house all the kids want to go to for the great candy. Though I more than likely wont have more than the neghbiorhood kids and everyone at school i know with kids. But still I love Halloween and I love to decorate stuff for holidays.
Also at Walgreens they had some really great masks the kind with the feathers and really Marti Grai-ish (is that even a word) We are going to use them tomorrow for our photos for class. Come on Wes lets hear you tell us what to do our how about you Mr. MINTON. It should be alot of fun even if my camera is not here. I just may have to have them all do it again for me.
I thought I was going to have to yell at Kevin today when I got home cause he laid out of school. Well he has got an xbox now so hes addicted to Fable. To the point that I worry im going to have to take it from him. Sunday night he stayed up all night until I got up to get ready for class on Monday which was 8:30. No biggy he did not have class to go to so when he came to bed last night I thought he was on the right track. Then Jeff came and talked to me this afternoon and said "oh im glad your here let me tell you what Kevins homework is" i thought great he laid out to play that game. Well I got home and he had cleaned just like I asked him to do yesterday. He was just watching TV waiting for me to get home so we could have some dinner. He then told me why he laid out and I was ok with it =) he was staying home incase my camera came today casue he does not trust our neghibors, and i have to say i dont blame him. But how can I be mad at that. He was doing something for me, even though I was mad but I got over it fast.
Newspaper meeting planed for this friday with hopes of geting some new members this year to report for me and amber so we dont have to do everything again. I swear we are going to have to make a sign that says WCC Cougar Cry- BY: LONI AND AMBER. That would be great. So heres to hopeing we have some hopefuls on Friday and we get the "Halloween" issue out on time. No hang ups this time cause I think I can get it all set to go to print on my own this time so Chad does not have to worry about it. Thats what we should be able to do anyway.
But I think im bloged out for the night its time to sleep and my fingers are geting sore from all this typeing. I never type this much unless I have to write a paper or something. But off to get some sleep and maybe wake up and have a better day tomorrow.
From The Little Hole In The Wall In The Kingdom of Windamere
I bid thee a good night.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Where did it go
What happened to my weekend, I mean really where did it go. Friday I had like 6 things to do 1 get my pell grant check 2. go to the bank 3. go to ashe and get the van and do all the paper work for it. 4 go the newspaper meeting and 5 go to the chicken store with Ms. Amber and 6 do laundery. Well I got the frist 3 and the last one done. We got to Ashe had to get the title then get it nortrized, where we had to wait for kevins cusin to get back from lunch and then we got to the tag office and they were at lunch so another 30 min wait and 30 mins in line needless to say i need not make it back to Wilkes until 11. But we got the mini-van and i like it.
Saturday we were suppost to get up early and go to winston well it was almost 1 before we got gone. We spent the day down there bought some video games, a xbox, a book, a monster truck modle, and some lunch then came home. Needless to say I was very tired when I got home, but i had home work to do. I worked on it for while. Got all of the squares for the cube done now i just need to get them on the template and figuar out waht goes where and how.
Still thinking about what to do about the pictograms and that illustration of myself that i have not worked on much. I want to do something really cool with it but its just not coming to me. I think i will work on it some when i get home tomorrow before i log on Warcraft.
Paid for my camera on Staurday but I was a geek and forgot to change my address so it was still being shiped to the trailor on 18. If it went there I dont know if i would have ever seen it. So I spent the weekend stressing over untill the seller sent me a reply to my email. I still have not done the photos for Brians class cause I dont have my camera.
I finally got my copys of the Walker Center Season book and I was really happy to see my ads I did in it. I even got to work on the logo for GO! Wireless this weekend. I have a good idea for it so its going smoothly
It time to get some rest for tomorrow and start all over again.
Saturday we were suppost to get up early and go to winston well it was almost 1 before we got gone. We spent the day down there bought some video games, a xbox, a book, a monster truck modle, and some lunch then came home. Needless to say I was very tired when I got home, but i had home work to do. I worked on it for while. Got all of the squares for the cube done now i just need to get them on the template and figuar out waht goes where and how.
Still thinking about what to do about the pictograms and that illustration of myself that i have not worked on much. I want to do something really cool with it but its just not coming to me. I think i will work on it some when i get home tomorrow before i log on Warcraft.
Paid for my camera on Staurday but I was a geek and forgot to change my address so it was still being shiped to the trailor on 18. If it went there I dont know if i would have ever seen it. So I spent the weekend stressing over untill the seller sent me a reply to my email. I still have not done the photos for Brians class cause I dont have my camera.
I finally got my copys of the Walker Center Season book and I was really happy to see my ads I did in it. I even got to work on the logo for GO! Wireless this weekend. I have a good idea for it so its going smoothly
It time to get some rest for tomorrow and start all over again.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
This that and everything in between
Well today im going to give you a dose of blogthings and some other random junk about me from the week hehe
we will start with the blogthings
Ok now im tired more fun tomorrow hehe I will tell you all about my friday tomorrow
we will start with the blogthings
Your Passion is Purple |
![]() Sophisticated and classy, you're a bit picky about sex. You're more likely to be turned on by a fancy hotel room than a dirty flick. Sex is fine enough, as long as it doesn't mess up your hair. For you, sex is more about power and favors than actually pleasure. |
What Color Is Your Passion?
You Are 25% Left Brained, 75% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
You Are 70% Extrovert, 30% Introvert |
![]() You are quite outgoing You are a social connector - you know a ton of people While you aren't a wild extrovert, you are a great talker A fantastic storyteller, you keep everyone laughing |
Your Summer Anthem is Best Of You by the Foo Fighters |
![]() "I've got another confession my friend I'm no fool I'm getting tired of starting again Somewhere new" While you may seem bright on the outside, your insides have a distinct angst flavor. |
Ok now im tired more fun tomorrow hehe I will tell you all about my friday tomorrow
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Life as a student
Man I have been working my butt of at school trying to stay caught up with everything. Shoping bags, cubes, drawings of myself, photos where will it all end.
Yesterday Amber, Lisa, Danile, Adam, Kim, Chad, and Brian went to Monte del rays for lunch. Needless to say Amber and her loving husband are not getting along so great so it was Strawberry Darquers for all lol. Ameber, Lisa and I all went back to class felling pretty good.
Math was ok as normal. There is a fellow in my class that I really feel bad for. He understands some stuff but he knows it his way and the math labs only let him do it the way the book teachs it so he gets so confussed. I sat next to him yesterday and he is haveing a hard time understanding fractions like on our pratice test there was 3 boxs dived in to 4ths and there was 2 1/4 shaded in and he did not understand how the teacher got the 4 so I tried to help him but I think all hope is lost he really wants to drop the class but cant.
When I came home yesterday the first time Kevin was not home yet so I sat on the couch and relaxed for a while. When he got home he informed me his car stunk and it was my fault. On Sunday when we came home from moms wedding it was nice and we were fighting, like most couples do, and I was mad and just came in the house with out rolling any of his windows up. Well it rained on Monday and Sunday night. The inside of his car was drenched. We cleaned the car out and went to Wal-mart to get a few things I need. Along the way I took my photos in to get developed. I was pretty suprized they turned out fairly good. I really like four of them

I really like the last one its my fav. More news on the photo home front I finally got me a camera for the class. After being out bid or going out of my price range on about 12 cameras I won a Cannon AE-1 Program Camera last night for 48.20 with shiping. I fought with my self for about 8 mins (I only know this cause thats all that was left on the bid when I found it) So with 55 sec left on the bid i droped a $45 dollar bid on it and bam 2 sec left for some one to out bid me. I won !!! No more ebay hate from me hehe.
But I must now go to work and then class.
Yesterday Amber, Lisa, Danile, Adam, Kim, Chad, and Brian went to Monte del rays for lunch. Needless to say Amber and her loving husband are not getting along so great so it was Strawberry Darquers for all lol. Ameber, Lisa and I all went back to class felling pretty good.
Math was ok as normal. There is a fellow in my class that I really feel bad for. He understands some stuff but he knows it his way and the math labs only let him do it the way the book teachs it so he gets so confussed. I sat next to him yesterday and he is haveing a hard time understanding fractions like on our pratice test there was 3 boxs dived in to 4ths and there was 2 1/4 shaded in and he did not understand how the teacher got the 4 so I tried to help him but I think all hope is lost he really wants to drop the class but cant.
When I came home yesterday the first time Kevin was not home yet so I sat on the couch and relaxed for a while. When he got home he informed me his car stunk and it was my fault. On Sunday when we came home from moms wedding it was nice and we were fighting, like most couples do, and I was mad and just came in the house with out rolling any of his windows up. Well it rained on Monday and Sunday night. The inside of his car was drenched. We cleaned the car out and went to Wal-mart to get a few things I need. Along the way I took my photos in to get developed. I was pretty suprized they turned out fairly good. I really like four of them

I really like the last one its my fav. More news on the photo home front I finally got me a camera for the class. After being out bid or going out of my price range on about 12 cameras I won a Cannon AE-1 Program Camera last night for 48.20 with shiping. I fought with my self for about 8 mins (I only know this cause thats all that was left on the bid when I found it) So with 55 sec left on the bid i droped a $45 dollar bid on it and bam 2 sec left for some one to out bid me. I won !!! No more ebay hate from me hehe.
But I must now go to work and then class.
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