Well what a year. I just wanted to give you all an update on everything and share my holiday ecard/video with you.
Early this week the hubby was very sick he woke up on Tuesday very short of breath. I took him to the ER and they took him strait back to a room. His O2 level was at 72 for those of you that dont know what im talking about that is his oxygen level in his blood and its suppose to be well over 90. After 3 hours in the er 6 chest xrays and a cat scan they decided he had Pneumonia and had to keep him. 2 days he stayed in the hospital in wilkes. He is home and doing much better. Me well im still getting over my bronchitis. So we are sick together.
I wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas and if i don't blog again a Happy New Year.
Also some photos here
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Life in genral
So i know if forgot to blog about my interview but its been a rough few weeks. I went to my interview and got the job and found out that Wendy is working up there now. I think she will be my boss type person hehe.
Lets see that was the week of Thanksgiving. I spend thanksgiving in ashe at the inlaws. It was nice though i missed my bed by about 2 am on wensday. The hubby had the day after off. It is nice to get to spend time with him when i can.
That weekend i started to cough not alot but enought to make me mad. With in 2 weeks i have bronchitis. I miss 2 weeks of school almost and nothing gets done on the paper. Still feel crappy but its starting to get better. Sucks not to be able to walk to class with out getting short of breath. Oh to add to that i have coughed so hard for the last few weeks i have pulled a muscle in my back. Yeah theres fun coughing and about dieing in pain.
Oh well life goes on.
Friday would have been my mothers bday. I cant tell you how old she would have been i dont remember how old she was. I know it would be in her 60's. I know most of my readers know i lost my mom when i was younger but I feel like this is a way for me to let it out for the holidays cause thats when its the hardest.
Mom got sick when i was a Freshman in high school. I was 14 we had just moved from Salt Lake to Tabiona we had been there maybe 3 weeks. I was having a hard time fitting in. I mean a small school where everyone has know everyone all their lifes its hard to find your place. I came home that afternoon to a note that said I took mom to Roosevelt to the ER will be home as soon as we can. Dad came home alone that night and told me that Dr were making her stay over night and she sent him home to be with me.
We did not know how bad it was until we got the call that night. They had life flighted mom to the U of U hospital in Salt Lake and need to meet her there. It was 2 hours to SLC no matter what way you took. It did not take that long that night. We got to the hospital and we were instructed to wait in the OR waiting room. We waited another 2 hours this has been 4 hours since we were called. When dad finally found someone that knew where she was they told him Mom had been asking about where we were. Her kidneys had shut down and the hosptial in Roosvelt did not have the equipment they needed.
Mom spent weeks there while they did test after test. They finally decided she had cancer. She only weighed 97 pounds when was ommited to the hopsital. She could not handle the cemo. The doctors delivered a big plow to us. She only had about 2 weeks to live. They sent her home to pass away with her family.
It was Dec 21 1995 when i went in and hugged my mom for the last time. I had a good friend that lost his mom at the same age. He was a Sr. in the high school and he kind of just took me under his wing. He told me to call him anytime i need anything. Dad told me to call him that i need to be with him. I remember my friend telling me about how he had just got in the shower and he had unplugged his phone the night before and something told him to go plug it back in. When he did i called. Dad told me that the door had no sooner slammed shut from leaving and mom past away. She waited for me to leave so i did have to go though that.
I miss her the most at this time of year. Christmas has been hard for me ever since. I love the holiday season and the hubby is such a care man when it comes to this time of year. I just miss her very much. It has been 12 years and the pain still comes around when i start doing my shopping. I am sorry if i have made anyone cry but this is my way of just letting it all out.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and if i dont blog again a very Happy New Year. And thank you for being a friend to me :)
Lets see that was the week of Thanksgiving. I spend thanksgiving in ashe at the inlaws. It was nice though i missed my bed by about 2 am on wensday. The hubby had the day after off. It is nice to get to spend time with him when i can.
That weekend i started to cough not alot but enought to make me mad. With in 2 weeks i have bronchitis. I miss 2 weeks of school almost and nothing gets done on the paper. Still feel crappy but its starting to get better. Sucks not to be able to walk to class with out getting short of breath. Oh to add to that i have coughed so hard for the last few weeks i have pulled a muscle in my back. Yeah theres fun coughing and about dieing in pain.
Oh well life goes on.
Friday would have been my mothers bday. I cant tell you how old she would have been i dont remember how old she was. I know it would be in her 60's. I know most of my readers know i lost my mom when i was younger but I feel like this is a way for me to let it out for the holidays cause thats when its the hardest.
Mom got sick when i was a Freshman in high school. I was 14 we had just moved from Salt Lake to Tabiona we had been there maybe 3 weeks. I was having a hard time fitting in. I mean a small school where everyone has know everyone all their lifes its hard to find your place. I came home that afternoon to a note that said I took mom to Roosevelt to the ER will be home as soon as we can. Dad came home alone that night and told me that Dr were making her stay over night and she sent him home to be with me.
We did not know how bad it was until we got the call that night. They had life flighted mom to the U of U hospital in Salt Lake and need to meet her there. It was 2 hours to SLC no matter what way you took. It did not take that long that night. We got to the hospital and we were instructed to wait in the OR waiting room. We waited another 2 hours this has been 4 hours since we were called. When dad finally found someone that knew where she was they told him Mom had been asking about where we were. Her kidneys had shut down and the hosptial in Roosvelt did not have the equipment they needed.
Mom spent weeks there while they did test after test. They finally decided she had cancer. She only weighed 97 pounds when was ommited to the hopsital. She could not handle the cemo. The doctors delivered a big plow to us. She only had about 2 weeks to live. They sent her home to pass away with her family.
It was Dec 21 1995 when i went in and hugged my mom for the last time. I had a good friend that lost his mom at the same age. He was a Sr. in the high school and he kind of just took me under his wing. He told me to call him anytime i need anything. Dad told me to call him that i need to be with him. I remember my friend telling me about how he had just got in the shower and he had unplugged his phone the night before and something told him to go plug it back in. When he did i called. Dad told me that the door had no sooner slammed shut from leaving and mom past away. She waited for me to leave so i did have to go though that.
I miss her the most at this time of year. Christmas has been hard for me ever since. I love the holiday season and the hubby is such a care man when it comes to this time of year. I just miss her very much. It has been 12 years and the pain still comes around when i start doing my shopping. I am sorry if i have made anyone cry but this is my way of just letting it all out.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and if i dont blog again a very Happy New Year. And thank you for being a friend to me :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Great Day
Ok so I have not blogged in ages but I have not had the ambishen to blog or the topics to blog about but I am hoping that today is the start of many new ideas topic yet to come. It is only 11 am and I already have had this great day to blog about.
My day started out as it always does at 5:30 am with the blaring of the alarm clock. I then roll over elbow the hubby and kick him out of bed and enjoy 10 more mins of sleep or waking up depending on the day. I got up made the hubby his lunch, checked my email (who is going to be emailing me at 5:30 i have no idea) and logged on WoW for total of 10 mins (not sure why i do this every morning but i do) got the hubby moving out the door to find out he has lost his coat. At this point i feel like i have a 5 year old on my hands trying to get him out the door.
The Hubby has to be in Ashe by 7 a.m and We still need to stop and get gas (cause why would i be smart and do it the day before) by now it is 5 mins after before we even get moving. I am thinking the whole time wow today is going to be one of those days where everything goes wrong. And I have a test to take at 10 this should be interesting to say the least.
I get going on 16 to get to Ashe and I get behind a little geo metro that i swear i could have walked faster than following him gets in front of me (OMG let me bang my head on my stearing wheel please) I finally get around him and but the petle to the metal to get the hell out of there. I am normally in Glendale Springs to turn off at the Run-in (or the stop and rob as i call it) by 7:30 on a good day im there by 7:20 oh not today. I start the climb up the mountain at 7:25. (AHHH we are never going to make it) I have started to yell at this point mainly at the poor guy that was in the geo metro who was like 10 miles or more now behind me. I wake up the hubby (who should have been awake any way) with my rants, he looks at me and says "can we stop at Mcdees and get some breakfast. Ok Shloni take a deep breath and don't bite his head off. "yes dear we can stop but if the line is to long you will have to go with out"
I get him to work with like 5 mins to spare this in turn makes me late getting back down the MT to go to class at 8 but i will make (well i did make it)
I go to class all is good make it though Math and Customer Service for Dummies (as the the book for the class is so called) and go to take my test I have to start bringing my grade up in the class to pass so i can leave in the spring with honors. only 40 so you cant miss as many (blah) oh yeah and enjoy hope you can get though. (dead silence i hate that) miss 11 (cry) heart broke i am not going to get out of the hell hole (as i call it now cause im sick of going to school and want to be done so i can start with my life and start making money hand over fist) with honors. Blah oh well lets go home start on the Cougar Cry cause i need to be at home cause i have laundry to wash.
.........................................................this is the good part and the whole reason i am blogging today so follow from here
I get home sit down at my comp and check my email. I have been stressing over my co-op for weeks now not know where i was going to get mine at. I have been scooping out Ashe cause i am in ashe all the time anyway. I sent my resume to the Jefferson Post and to dr. ducttape (in the marketing department cause he is interview for his co-op) I sent it to jefferson post way before dr. ducttape in hopes that i can get that first. I want to do newspaper lay out or ad design I have my mind set on this and i know thats what i want to do. Back to getting home I open my email and there it is the shining light at the end of my dark tunnel that will make my day turn around. (and no im not talking about the porn ads and emails for larger peepee's) there was an email from the Editor of the Jefferson Post (JUMPING up and down at my desk) asking me to call him to set up an appointment to meet with him to interview and look over my portfolio. With a big smile (cause i learned in Customer service for dummies that you always smile when you are on the phone so you sound pleasent) i call him back and i have an Interview tomorrow at 2:00 pm
OMG I am so excited i can't wait and i will fill you in tomorrow on how it went. Im so excited........
Ok thats my day as of 11:18 am enjoy and im sorry if i bored you to death.
My day started out as it always does at 5:30 am with the blaring of the alarm clock. I then roll over elbow the hubby and kick him out of bed and enjoy 10 more mins of sleep or waking up depending on the day. I got up made the hubby his lunch, checked my email (who is going to be emailing me at 5:30 i have no idea) and logged on WoW for total of 10 mins (not sure why i do this every morning but i do) got the hubby moving out the door to find out he has lost his coat. At this point i feel like i have a 5 year old on my hands trying to get him out the door.
The Hubby has to be in Ashe by 7 a.m and We still need to stop and get gas (cause why would i be smart and do it the day before) by now it is 5 mins after before we even get moving. I am thinking the whole time wow today is going to be one of those days where everything goes wrong. And I have a test to take at 10 this should be interesting to say the least.
I get going on 16 to get to Ashe and I get behind a little geo metro that i swear i could have walked faster than following him gets in front of me (OMG let me bang my head on my stearing wheel please) I finally get around him and but the petle to the metal to get the hell out of there. I am normally in Glendale Springs to turn off at the Run-in (or the stop and rob as i call it) by 7:30 on a good day im there by 7:20 oh not today. I start the climb up the mountain at 7:25. (AHHH we are never going to make it) I have started to yell at this point mainly at the poor guy that was in the geo metro who was like 10 miles or more now behind me. I wake up the hubby (who should have been awake any way) with my rants, he looks at me and says "can we stop at Mcdees and get some breakfast. Ok Shloni take a deep breath and don't bite his head off. "yes dear we can stop but if the line is to long you will have to go with out"
I get him to work with like 5 mins to spare this in turn makes me late getting back down the MT to go to class at 8 but i will make (well i did make it)
I go to class all is good make it though Math and Customer Service for Dummies (as the the book for the class is so called) and go to take my test I have to start bringing my grade up in the class to pass so i can leave in the spring with honors. only 40 so you cant miss as many (blah) oh yeah and enjoy hope you can get though. (dead silence i hate that) miss 11 (cry) heart broke i am not going to get out of the hell hole (as i call it now cause im sick of going to school and want to be done so i can start with my life and start making money hand over fist) with honors. Blah oh well lets go home start on the Cougar Cry cause i need to be at home cause i have laundry to wash.
.........................................................this is the good part and the whole reason i am blogging today so follow from here
I get home sit down at my comp and check my email. I have been stressing over my co-op for weeks now not know where i was going to get mine at. I have been scooping out Ashe cause i am in ashe all the time anyway. I sent my resume to the Jefferson Post and to dr. ducttape (in the marketing department cause he is interview for his co-op) I sent it to jefferson post way before dr. ducttape in hopes that i can get that first. I want to do newspaper lay out or ad design I have my mind set on this and i know thats what i want to do. Back to getting home I open my email and there it is the shining light at the end of my dark tunnel that will make my day turn around. (and no im not talking about the porn ads and emails for larger peepee's) there was an email from the Editor of the Jefferson Post (JUMPING up and down at my desk) asking me to call him to set up an appointment to meet with him to interview and look over my portfolio. With a big smile (cause i learned in Customer service for dummies that you always smile when you are on the phone so you sound pleasent) i call him back and i have an Interview tomorrow at 2:00 pm
OMG I am so excited i can't wait and i will fill you in tomorrow on how it went. Im so excited........
Ok thats my day as of 11:18 am enjoy and im sorry if i bored you to death.
Monday, August 13, 2007
or get on the train and just go on.......
Ok so I have been a slacker but I am allowed in the summer. Its been a ok summer i guess. the hubby got a job back in ashe working at some plant. good money and he enjoys it so thats good. I have spent many days with the inlaws which i enjoy because they are my family now and its nice to see them.
Then I spent 2 weeks reading harry potter though it would have only took me 3 days but the newspaper kept getting in the way.
I loved the book i cried i laughed i even hated my self for hating people in it. It ended the the right way and made me happy.
I miss you guys. The ones that still read the blogs and still have them. I know some of them are removed for their own reason and it has nothing to do with the people left writing i just want you guys to know that.
I like shvic have not received my award letter but i am not worried about it. I was really late getting my stuff in cause i could not find the hubbys tax papers. ugg i lose everything including my head if it was not tacked on. Im trying harder to get everything set so im not so lost all the time. Now that I think of it I have not got my class schedule either. Oh well i will go over tomorrow when i get home.
I hope everyone had a great summer and I am sorry I did not blog. We need to do lunch sometime ladys
Then I spent 2 weeks reading harry potter though it would have only took me 3 days but the newspaper kept getting in the way.
I loved the book i cried i laughed i even hated my self for hating people in it. It ended the the right way and made me happy.
I miss you guys. The ones that still read the blogs and still have them. I know some of them are removed for their own reason and it has nothing to do with the people left writing i just want you guys to know that.
I like shvic have not received my award letter but i am not worried about it. I was really late getting my stuff in cause i could not find the hubbys tax papers. ugg i lose everything including my head if it was not tacked on. Im trying harder to get everything set so im not so lost all the time. Now that I think of it I have not got my class schedule either. Oh well i will go over tomorrow when i get home.
I hope everyone had a great summer and I am sorry I did not blog. We need to do lunch sometime ladys
Monday, June 11, 2007
A friend in the sink

So i wake up this morning and come sit down and get to work on the dread website i have been working and dont even go in the kitchen most of the morning.
Well when hubby and his friend final start moving around i wonder in the kitchen for a drink and happen to find this happy little friend in our sink. Yes its a salamander and no i did not stick the fork in him he was on the other side of it and the only think i can think of is he climbed up the pipe to the sink. we let him stay there for a little while i took some pictures of him and then he decided it was time to go when he tried to climb out of the sink so we caught him and set him free to go. so maybe he will find his way back to the pond or the river or something.
Went to hickory saturday nothing much there right down and right back nothing fun to look at or do other than the conversation about logos on signs that kevin started and getting a little lost but that normal for me.
start my work on my online coarse today lots of basic stuff can do it in my sleep type stuff.
well i think that is all for now must get rest so i can go to work go to ashe and then come home and clean house and work on websites and all that good stuff.
i hope everyone is having a good summer and you all have my number and if you dont send me a comment and i will send it to you. miss you all and i cant wait together at lilys in july
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The finished look

well here it is she loves it with a little bit of input from some friends i got it looking really good and she loves it thats the best part. she even said depending on the season we could change the color of it.
As most of you know the hubbys mom found out she had cancer and the week after graduation they had her surgery. well last week she found out she was cancer free that they got it all. Great news she found out on thursday and well she fell on friday and went back today to fix what she pulled when she fell. Just talk to the family and she is doing good which is great. I have been worried about her since she found out. Cancer and moms are not a new thing to me. When i was 14 my moms kidneys shut down and she had to life flighted to a larger hospital than the one she was at. After days of not know what had shut them down they finally determed that she had cancer and it was a rare form of cancer. A seed cancer that one large piece of cancer has something set it off and it shoot smaller ones out in to the body. Mom only weighed 98 pounds when she was ommited to the hospital and i was still a kid. I remember dad taking me outside and telling me what they had decided it was and that cemo was not an option cause of her low weight and the fast spread of it. they gave her 3 weeks to live. She came home and lived 6 weeks total after finding out to only pass away on dec 21. I remember having to tell her i would take care of my dad and it was ok to go. It was hard to say the least. So when Kevins mom would not tell us what was wrong I shut the world off and started to remember and be confronted with all the feelings all over again. It also reminded me of all the good times me and my mom had. I have learned that god works in strange ways and if you trust in him he will help you though any thing. Kevins mom is a fighter and no matter what is put in her way she will find a way to move on. Kevin has a lot of that same spirit in him. So i stood strong for him and for his mom. I miss my mom every day something big in my life happens but i know she still watching me and will always watch me and she raised me the best she could. I love you Mom where ever you are.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So this is a logo i am working on for the middle sister inlaw for her new business she is starting she does wedding flowers and those diper cakes you see at showers and that kinda stuff i have kinda been at loss for what to do with it. i have tried so many things and she does not know really what she wants. I know she said something with a banner but you would lose the company name when it got small so i thought i would try this one on her i have not heard from her yet but heck i really like this one.
So my question to you guys that i think have stop reading my blog cause i dont blog as much as everyone else is what do you think of it. do you think to simple or is it just right? i need some input i miss you guys telling me how good or how crappy my work is
but i shall go now must go to sleep so the slave drivers dont get mad tomorrow hehe
still missing you guys when is our next party and lets not all get sick this time
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