Sunday, March 25, 2007

dreams of a designer

wow 2 blogs in one weekend but i just woke up and had this really funky dream and i had to share it with the rest of you guys.

in high school i hated my desktop publishing teacher she was our yearbook preson and all that and she was one of those people that if you make her mad she would hate you and then take it out on your grade later on and she was the teacher over all the computer classes. she gave me a c in her class at the end of the year because her son claimed one of my friends that was also my guest to our lock in had beat him up well i had proof he had not cause he was with me and found out that her son got drunk and fell and thats how come he looked like shit well i proved this to her and it pissed her off and well i got the c cause she could not fail me cause i had already got my diploma.

so on with the dream
my old desktop teacher had came here to teach some cis class and scott had asked her to be take his spot on newspaper and that she would have to be at the meeting on friday to talk to all of those on the staff well we were in the pit for some reason with all the graphics class and her daughter (also a bitch) was there with her friends well she, the teacher, started this we are going to give the paper a new look and most of the staff was going to be fired and on and on well amber and amanda were there and they were both like what is she talking about and her daughter said well mom can me and my friends be on the staff and she was yeah you guys know more about design than half of the design student here on campus well the 3 of us went to chad and i was pissed like you know how i get and fussing up a storm in chads office when sherry and alison came in and was telling me that it was not right and i should just not be on newspaper any more and chad said yeah and take the template that you and amber put together and so they have nothing to work with and i followed amber in some room cause she was working and i told her i was going to do it and i just started to cry and i keep saying why did she folllow me here she a bitch and she knows nothing about design

man crazy things i dream and i woke up so mad. I thought i would share this with you all so you all could have a good laugh have a great sunday im off

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